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- HOME | Westside Seniors Hub
Collective action by and for seniors to build a more responsive and resilient community for seniors on the Westside of Vancouver, BC. HUB WESTSIDE SENIORS ACCIÓN COLECTIVA POR Y PARA MAYORES OUR MISSION To build a more responsive and resilient community for seniors on Vancouver’s Westside through the power of collective action. OUR KEY GOALS To identify and promote awareness of Westside seniors’ issues and priorities To improve programs and services for seniors on the Westside through collective action by Hub Council, Hub Partner Organizations, and community organizations To encourage seniors to become more engaged in their community Hub brochure here WHAT IS THE HUB STRUCTURE? The Hub is comprised of Partner Organizations and a Hub Council. Hub Partner Organizations serve seniors on the Westside and have an interest in collaborating with others to support seniors in their community. They meet quarterly to share information about resources and assets, identify emerging issues, and collaborate on building a range of integrated services for seniors. They work with the Hub Council and serve on working groups to act on identified issues and represent the Hub to the public and various constituencies. Partners include public entities, non-profits, and faith-based organizations that provide services for seniors. Hub Council is composed of several Westside volunteer seniors who have knowledge of seniors’ issues, experience working on action-oriented teams, and skills to work collaboratively with Partner Organizations, each other, and community members. They meet monthly to identify priorities and direct movement towards collective action. WHAT CONSTITUTES THE WESTSIDE? ¿QUÉ CONSTITUYE EL LADO OESTE? Definimos el área de influencia del Westside Seniors Hub como: Al oeste de Ontario Street, hasta el final para incluir UBC y Endowment Lands Al sur de Cornwall Street y False Creek Al norte de Marine Drive Tenga en cuenta que el área de influencia no incluye la península del centro ni la isla Granville. Los socios cuya oficina se encuentra fuera de nuestra área de influencia pueden unirse a nosotros si están sirviendo activamente a las personas mayores de Westside. HOW DID THE HUB EMERGE? The concept of a seniors hub first emerged through a 2009 research report entitled Sustaining Seniors Programs through the Neighbourhood House Model , which focused on opportunities for seniors at Kitsilano, Kiwassa & South Vancouver Neighbourhood Houses. In 2010, South Vancouver Neighbourhood House received pilot funding from Vancouver Coastal Health's SmartFund, City of Vancouver, United Way, and Vancouver Foundation to develop the South Vancouver Seniors Hub and produce an Implementation Plan and Seniors Hub Toolkit. This led to Kitsilano Neighbourhood House receiving a 2013-2014 Vancouver Foundation grant for a Seniors for Seniors Project: Building a One-Stop Place for Westside Seniors . One of the aspects of this project was to develop a Westside Seniors Hub. A number of community members and seventeen senior-serving Westside organizations met at a visioning roundtable in January 2014 to explore the potential benefits and nature of a Westside Hub. Several subsequent planning roundtables developed the structure of the Hub as well as Partner Collaborative Agreements, wrote a Hub Council Member job description, recruited and interviewed Hub Council applicants. By February 2015, appointments to the Hub Council had been made and the first joint meeting of Partner Organizations and Hub Council members took place. SPONSORS ¿CÓMO SURGIÓ EL HUB? El concepto de un centro para personas mayores surgió por primera vez a través de un informe de investigación de 2009 titulado “Programas de mantenimiento para personas mayores a través del modelo de casas de vecindario”, que se centró en oportunidades para personas mayores en Kitsilano, Kiwassa y South Vancouver Neighborhood Houses. En 2010, South Vancouver Neighborhood House recibió financiación piloto de Vancouver Coastal Health - SmartFund, la ciudad de Vancouver, United Way y la Fundación de Vancouver para desarrollar el South Vancouver Seniors Hub y producir un plan de implementación y un kit de herramientas para Seniors Hub. Esto llevó a Kitsilano Neighborhood House a recibir una subvención de la Fundación de Vancouver 2013-2014 para un Proyecto de Personas Mayores para Personas Mayores: Construcción de un lugar único para personas mayores del Westside. Uno de los aspectos de este proyecto fue desarrollar un Westside Seniors Hub. Varios miembros de la comunidad y diecisiete organizaciones de Westside que sirven a personas mayores se reunieron en una mesa redonda de visión en enero de 2014 para explorar los beneficios potenciales y la naturaleza de un Westside Hub. Varias mesas redondas de planificación posteriores desarrollaron la estructura del Eje. Además, redactaron acuerdos de colaboración con los socios, redactaron una descripción del puesto de los miembros del Hub Council y reclutaron y entrevistaron a los solicitantes del Hub Council. En febrero de 2015, se habían hecho nombramientos para el Hub Council y se llevó a cabo la primera reunión conjunta de Organizaciones Socias y miembros del Hub Council. Desde entonces, el Hub ha buscado subvenciones para varios proyectos y ha operado con contratistas pagados, apoyo administrativo de Kitsilano Neighborhood House y esfuerzos voluntarios. PATROCINADORES Desde sus primeros inicios, el Hub ha recibido apoyo financiero de varios patrocinadores. Estamos agradecidos por su confianza y reconocimiento de la misión y los objetivos del Hub en nombre de las personas mayores. Volver a la cima
- NEWSLETTERS | Westside Seniors Hub
The Westside Seniors Hub quarterly newsletter is HubBytes. NEWSLETTER HubBytes is the Westside Seniors Hub's newsletter. It profiles key initiatives of the Hub's Partner Organizations and flags current issues, events and innovations that may be of interest to seniors. To view all copies of HubBytes newsletters or subscribe, please click here
- NEWS 2025 | Westside Seniors Hub
Housing and Aging in Place The 2025 Seniors Resource Fair will provide information about services that not only help seniors find housing but also thrive in their homes. There will be many representatives of programs that improve quality of life, provide essential services, and build community capacity.. Please stop by – it’s free and light refreshments will be served. Poster with more information here . Date : Thursday March 13, 2025 10:00am - 1:00pm Location : 2305 West 7th Avenue, Vancouver, BC V6K 1Y4 Seniors Housing Information and Navigation Ease (SHINE BC) “The SHINE program , funded by the Ministry of Mental Health and Addictions and led by the Seniors Services Society of BC, is a province-wide initiative designed to facilitate timely access to and navigation of appropriate housing services and support for seniors.” Housing has been a key priority for the Westside Seniors Hub throughout 2024. As a grass-roots coalition of community-based public and non-profit organizations serving seniors, the Westside Seniors Hub is actively endorsing the expansion and multi-year funding for the SHINE program. More information here . Community Cafés "ASK Friendship Society is seeking a broad and diverse perspective on future programs and services that ASK might provide for both older adults and caregivers in our new multipurpose 9,000 square foot facility in the Arbutus Redevelopment at Nanton Ave and Arbutus Street. In 2025, we are hosting a series of Community Cafés, each focused on engaging a specific community group. More information about opportunities to participate here . To take a survey click here . Please join the conversation!"
- Housing for Seniors | Westside Seniors Hub
HOUSING FOR SENIORS Top of Housing for Seniors Affordable rentals are currently difficult to find in Vancouver. When their tenancy is threatened or ended, many elderly tenants on fixed incomes are unable to relocate anywhere near their former homes, even temporarily. New buildings, even those with a percentage of below-market rental units, are not yet ready for tenants. What are Westside Seniors Hub members doing about housing for seniors? Recent updates listed first . December 2024 WSH Partner representatives and Council members followed up on our August meeting with Vancouver–South Granville MLA Brenda Bailey to develop a Letter of Support for expansion of the Seniors Services Society of BC’s Seniors Housing Information and Navigation Ease (SHINE) program. The Letter to Minister Bailey recommends 2025 and ongoing funding by the Ministry of Mental Health and Addictions to ensure more British Columbian seniors experiencing precarious housing get navigation support, so their health and wellbeing do not deteriorate while suitable affordable housing is being developed. November 2024 Two WSH Council members participating in the City’s Older Persons and Elders Advisory Committee (OPEAC) Housing Subcommittee were privileged to attend the BC Non-profit Housing Association (BCNPHA) Housing Central conference, thanks to arrangements made by SPARC BC CEO and BCNPHA staff. The annual conference features success stories of how non-profit housing providers, municipalities and businesses have overcome challenges and developed diverse solutions to affordable housing dilemmas. The free BCNPHA e- newsletter and website provide case studies and insights for continuing WSH housing activities. October 2024 Council invited WSH Partners to participate in feedback on the City’s Social Housing Initiative and representatives attended SHI Open House consultations to speak with Planners September 2024 VCH Population Health facilitated contacting the City of Vancouver’s Assistant Director Housing Policy and Regulation | Planning, Urban Design & Sustainability to discuss implementation of the City’s Tenant Relocation and Protection Policy developed in conjunction with its Broadway Plan and Housing Vancouver 10 Year Housing Targets . Meeting time pending. Council representatives attended United Way BC webinar Making Rental Housing Affordable for Seniors and People with Low-Incomes and benefit from summaries of data and research in its two Fact Sheets – Key Messages and Defining the Problem and Finding Solutions . August 2024 Council representatives met with Brenda Bailey, MLA and candidate for a new Vancouver-South Granville riding to discuss issues in the WSH Briefing Note on Seniors Housing and potential actions. Council representatives met with Vancouver Coastal Health (VCH) Medical Health Officer (Housing), ED Population Health, and the Lead for Seniors’ Healthy Public Policy to discuss their roles and current involvement in seniors’ housing issues relevant to WSH Briefing Note on Seniors Housing . Council prepared a Briefing Note on Seniors Housing summarizing concerns about senior tenants being negatively impacted by developments in the Vancouver housing market and the actions and support needed for this vulnerable population. Council representatives met the BC Housing’s Assoc. VP Supportive Housing & Homelessness, Operations Division to discuss potential short-term shelter spaces in Chalmers Lodge and other supportive housing operated by BCH. Advocated for westside seniors experiencing housing precarity to remain in their neighbourhoods while seeking more stable housing. July 2024 Council representatives contributed to City's Older Persons and Elders Advisory Committee (OPEAC) Housing Subcommittee drafts of Motions to City Council regarding the need for senior-specific shelters and transparency regarding implementation of the Broadway Plan's Enhanced Tenant Relocation & Protection Policy . Encouraged WSH Partners to advocate with City of Vancouver Councillors for adoption of the Seniors Housing Strategy . June 2024 Council members began attending monthly OPEAC Housing Subcommittee meetings as guests to become familiar with their community partners and contribute to their action plans. Representatives from a dozen WSH Partner organizations met at a quarterly Partners’ meeting to discuss five Seniors’ Housing Issues for Action: Follow-up to 2024 Q1 Partners’ Meeting . Council member attended 411 Housing Forum to liaise with other local housing advocates. May 2024 Council members explored Seniors Services Society of BC’s (SSSBC’s) Seniors Housing Information & Navigation Ease (SHINE) program with WESN’s Housing Navigator. Recruited a volunteer to participate in SHINE’s four online training sessions. April 2024 The City of Vancouver’s D raft Seniors’ Housing Strategy was released for public feedback. P ublic and WSH Partners invited to participate in submitting comments by May 16th. March 2024 Council prepared a resource list: Housing Resources Referenced at Quarterly Housing meeting Brief summary: Seniors Housing Issues for Action: Follow-up to 2024 Q1 Partners’ Meeting February 21, 2024 Representatives from a dozen WSH Partner organizations met at a Quarterly Partners’ meeting to discuss seniors’ housing affordability . They were joined by guests from the City of Vancouver, City’s Older Persons & Elders Advisory Committee, Healthy Aging United Way BC, Hey Neighbour Collective & SFU Housing Solutions Lab, Premier’s Legislative Office, Frog Hollow Neighbourhood House, and South Vancouver Seniors Network. Presentations at Quarterly meeting: Healthy Aging UWBC presentation by Dr. Laura Kadowaki and Dr. Beverley Pitman City of Vancouver Older Persons & Elders Advisory Committee (OPEAC) by Dr. Marc White SFU Housing Solutions Lab Exploring Housing Options for Older Adults Design concepts by Michelle Hoar February 2024 Council prepared some briefing materials to inform WSH Partners: Selected Housing Navigation Supports & Trainings and Selected Recommendations from UWBC’s Aging in Uncertainty: The Growing Housing Crisis for BC Seniors report (Nov 2023) & IRPP’s Affordability Action Council report (Feb 2024) Entire UWBC Healthy Aging report Aging in Uncertainty and City of Vancouver Seniors’ Housing Strategy: What We Heard report (July 2023) January 2024 A questionnaire circulated by WSH Council to its Partner Organizations produced: A Snapshot: What Partner Organizations are Seeing, Hearing and Doing. Fall 2023 Survey of Hub Partner Organizations identified top priority issues of concern: Housing, Food Security, Phase 2 Dementia Ventures, Caregiver Support, Emergency Preparedness. Return to Top of Housing for Seniors
- Job Opportunities | Westside Seniors Hub
JOB OPPORTUNITIES Westside Seniors Hub Council Join the Council's Volunteer Team Council members: We are recruiting volunteers to join us and ensure that Westside neighbourhoods are places where seniors can thrive. To find out more about the role of Council in Hub affairs, click he re . For more details about a Council member's role, please click here Digital Communications Assistant: One or two people to assist with publishing the Hub's quarterly newsletter, Hub Bytes, and/or with maintaining the Hub's website up to date. More details here D Di Westside Seniors Hub Coordinator Join us to assist WSH leadership in the coordination and outreach to Westside stakeholders on seniors’ issues. Council is seeking a The Council Coordinator for a new 14 hours per week position to assist WSH leadership in coordination and outreach to Westside stakeholders on seniors’ issues. We are looking for a self-motivated individual with an interest in seniors’ issues. Details in the job description here . Please apply by May 13, 2024. Family Caregivers of BC J oin FCBC's Volunteer Team Support Group Facilitators: Seeking volunteers to create a safe and open space for caregivers to share their concerns and challenges. Facilitators are people with strong listening skills, discretion, empathy and ability to empower individuals to be involved in making decisions about their own care. Host and Virtual Assistant: For our Virtual Journal Workshop for ongoing program offered to to caregivers who are interested in engaging in structured writing that is private and self-reflective...You would provide technical online support to the facilitator and participants . Caregiver Support Assistant: L ooking for two Caregiver Support Assistants to provide administration support to our caregiver support team at FCBC...use your technical skills to assist with general office duties, filing, emails, help with communication and outreach. More details and application forms here ASK Friendship Society CALLS for VOLUNTEERS Board Members: ASK is growing! Help lead and manage that process, we are looking to fill 2-4 Board positions with committed individuals who have experience in human resources, administration, fundraising, etc. Youth & student opportunities too, More details and application forms here
- Staff Education Opportunities | Westside Seniors Hub
STAFF EDUCATION OPPORTUNITIES CLEAR Climate, Lived Experience and Resilience Community Consultation Vancouver Coastal Health During an extreme heat event, the 2021 heat dome, VCH and non-governmental partners reached out to residents in VCH’s area with resources and supports. Now VCH is engaging vulnerable populations - people with disabilities or chronic conditions, older adults, people experiencing homelessness or marginally housed - in focus groups, one-on-one phone conversations or surveys . In order to plan for the future, VCH wants their input on how they managed heat and other climate-related events during 2021-2022 and how to plan for the future . Individuals can register to be contacted or complete a survey. Organizations can also submit on behalf of a group. More information and to register or complete the survey here PATHWAYS: BC COMMUNITY SERVICE DIRECTORY PathwaysBC “Publicly available services and programs, in participating communities.” The Directory is a joint initiative between Doctors of BC’s General Practitioner Services Committee and the BC government with a support team that provides the technical infrastructure. It is free, searchable by the public and has many filter options to narrow down keyword searches. Search here Organizations can apply to list their services in categories such as,.Navigation Support:Seniors Services ; Health & Fitness: Seniors ; Caregiver Support Groups; Seniors Centre:Seniors Activities; Loneliness/Social Isolation; Outings/Day Trips etc More information about access to Pathways here RESPECTFUL ENVIRONMENTS, EQUITY, DIVERSITY , INCLUSION UBC Faculty of Medicine “… create respectful, diverse, inclusive learning and work environments that are anti-racist and that support the exercise of human rights for all members of our community.” Monthly 12:00-1:30 webinars with presenters from various IBPOC communities aiming for “community partners to implement action plans that will lead to systemic and behavioural change.” Events , Blog, and Resources. Date: March 27, 2023 12:00-1:00pm virtual Register here SENIORS OUTDOOR ACTIVATION TOOLKIT 8-80 Cities and Woodgreen Community Services, Toronto “… tells the story of over 100 seniors who saw the COVID-19 pandemic as an opportunity to flip the standard for seniors programming in parks and public spaces .” Benefits, making the case, evaluation, recommendations. Report here MOBILIZING TO PROMOTE HEALTH & WELL-BEING FOR OLDER ADULTS CORE Healthy Aging Canada “Launching a series of monthly 90-minute webinars… to mobilize action on various issues by focusing on effective models and the policies, practices, partnerships, and networks that support them. Through interviews and discussions with practitioners, researchers, and policy-makers, each session will explore a topic and the key issues and challenges.” Q&A + opportunity to join a discussion group . Housing and Living Arrangement Options for Older Adults: At Home. In Community Recording here Re-orienting Health and Social Services for Older Adults: Provincial Strategies for Community-Based Seniors Services Webinar recording here Age-friendly Communities: A Key Strategy in Promoting the Well-Being of Older Adults Webinar Video here CANADIAN INSTITUTE FOR SOCIAL PRESCRIBING (CISP) Intersectoral collaboration project anchored by the Canadian Red Cross “CISP is a new national hub to link people and share practices that connect people to community-based supports and services that can help improve their health and well-being… part of a global movement of people bringing community capacity and healthcare services closer together by directly addressing the social determinants of health , from loneliness and social isolation to racism and ageism to income and housing and much more.” Newsletter, events, reports, resources, etc. Website here INTERGEN-NS North Shore Community Resources Intergenerational Program Directory and Resource Hub that “helps connect different generations on the North Shore while providing resources to help community partners establish intergenerational programming … These projects have been launched in order to actively facilitate a North Shore community that is connected, inclusive, and age-friendly.” Information here FLIPPING STIGMA ON ITS EAR TOOLKIT “The discrimination caused by stigma that accompanies a diagnosis of dementia needs to be ‘flipped on its ear’! The purpose of this toolkit is to recognize and respond to this stigma and discrimination . It has been designed by people with dementia to help others – including other people living with dementia, the people who support them, and those who do research – to address the challenges of stigma and discrimination.” Video clips demonstrate interactions and stimulate discussions. Explore the website and sign up for a newsletter here Aging Well Education - Ongoing Dementia Education & Opportunities ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE AND RELATED DEMENTIAS IN INDIGENOUS POPULATIONS: KNOWLEDGE, NEEDS, AND GAPS National Collaborating Centre for Indigenous Health “ This report summarizes what is known about the knowledge, needs, and gaps of First Nations, Inuit, and Métis peoples and healthcare practitioners working in Indigenous communities related to dementias…an overview of the barriers and facilitators of knowledge translation and exchange about dementia care and management.” Explore the August 2022 report here STORIES FOR CAREGIVERS A series of 2-minute videos “‘Therapeutic Fibbing’ is a 4-part heart-opening dramatic comedy web series featuring an everyday Canadian family utilizing — with varying levels of success -- a form of compassionate lying to navigate communications with a loved one living with dementia.” YouTube here Facebook here RECENT ADDITIONS UNDERSTANDING SOCIAL ISOLATION AND LONELINESS AMONG OLDER CANADIANS AND HOW TO ADDRESS IT National Institute on Ageing “Social isolation and loneliness are increasingly recognized as important public health concerns. Globally, as well as in Canada, these issues have significant implications for the health and well-being of older persons .” This is one of many reports and other resources (news, National Seniors Strategy) of concern to seniors, some offered in many languages . Explore here BUILDING DEMENTIA-FRIENDLY COMMUNITIES ONLINE COURSE Alzheimer Societies of Canada “The Building dementia-friendly communities course…a self-paced 75 minute online, interactive course in four modules …is currently available in English and French…designed for professionals working in the recreation, library, retail, restaurant and public transportation sectors…knowledge and skills needed to increase support, inclusion and accessibility (both in the social and physical environments) for people living with dementia.” Information here Register here PROGRAM PLANNING FOR GRANT WRITING United Way of British Columbia “Effective grant seeking…involves strategic prospect research, detailed project planning, and articulating a compelling case, all while employing efficient tools, processes, and systems.” This online interactive session includes: • creating compelling project rationales/needs descriptions; • exploring planning methodologies, including Theory of Change and Logic Models; • incorporating measurable outcomes. Recording here Slides here ALZHEIMER'S DISEASE AND RELATED DEMENTIAS IN INDIGENOUS POPULATIONS National Collaborating Centre for Indigenous Health “This report summarizes what is known about the knowledge, needs, and gaps of First Nations, Inuit, and Métis peoples and healthcare practitioners working in Indigenous communities related to dementias…It provides a review of First Nations, Inuit, and Métis understandings of dementias, their perceptions of healthy aging, and their preferences for care …an overview of the barriers and facilitators of knowledge translation and exchange about dementia care and management…” Explore the report here PROMISING MODELS OF SENIORS' TRANSPORTATION United Way British Columbia & SFU Cities, Health, and Active Transportation Research Lab “This report provides the findings from case studies…to profile promising models of seniors’ transportation and to learn what facilitates or impedes the success of these services. We used extensive selection criteria to select six services that covered a diverse set of models and geographic contexts.” Read the report here LIVING MY CULTURE Canadian Virtual Hospice “Quality palliative care helps you honour your culture, spirituality and traditions…people from various cultures share their stories and wisdom about living with serious illness, end of life and grief to support others.” Indigenous cultural safety training : Advanced illness, palliative care and grief and “Coming full circle: Planning for your care a booklet to ensure Indigenous Peoples’ choices for their future healthcare are known and respected.” Also videos and insights from representatives of eight global cultures. Information here HEALTHY AGING CORE CANADA United Way BC & Employment & Social Development Canada “Healthy Aging CORE (Collaborative Online Resources and Education) is a platform to c onnect local, regional, provincial and national non-profit, government, and academic organizations and coalitions that focus on programs, services, policies, practices, and research aimed at supporting older Canadians to age in place in their homes and communities….All content on CORE is vetted …CORE is designed to connect and coordinate with other relevant networks, and not duplicate.” Features: Resources…Training & Events…Groups & Activity….Programs & Initiatives…Funding Opportunities Join email list here AGING AND THRIVING IN THE 21ST CENTURY Institute for Community Prosperity, Mount Royal University, Calgary “…a scan of issues, trends, system dynamics and innovations…guided by the question: What factors are preventing older Canadians from flourishing, and how might we transform systems to maximize the choice, dignity, mobility, security, and trust accompanying an aging population transitioning into less autonomous living circumstances?" Report authored by James Stauch here FROME'S COMPASSION PROJECT UK Men’s Shed & Health Connections Mendip-UK “Compassionate communities help to reduce isolation and loneliness and bring a sense of belonging. Social relationships are the most effective intervention for improving health and longevity. Frome’s care combines a compassionate programme of community development with routine medical care…three key elements : making the most of the supportive networks of family, friends and neighbours…building networks of support for the routine matters of life…linking to community activity , such as choir, walking groups, men’s sheds, talking cafes and other interest groups where people can make friendships and share life’s events.” This event has passed. Health Connections Mendip website here Frome Shed website here ARCHIVED TRAINING WEBINARS Healthy Aging CORE Canada “CORE regularly hosts training events on relevant program and organizational development topics. These sessions are recorded and archived on CORE..and this compendium provides a listing of categories and links so that you can access them at your convenience.” Available here THE FUTURE OF AGING IN PLACE IN CANADA University Health Network Open Lab, Toronto " Through participatory design with seniors and inspiring demonstration projects, Vertical Aging pushes us to imagine and create possibilities beyond the current crop of institutional options . . these projects challenge conventional thinking about aging in contemporary urban society " Webinar recording here SOCIAL NEEDS OF OLDER ADULTS CAN'T BE MET BY TECHNOLOGY ALONE CTV article; research by Dr. Yue Qian, UBC Sociology “…virtual interaction, like phone calls, video calls and texting during pandemic lockdowns were not helpful on their own as an alternative to face-to-face time for people over 60. ‘Our findings demonstrate that face-to-face household contact is crucial to sustaining older adults’ mental wellbeing,” Qian said.’” CTV article here Frontiers in Sociology Article here METRO VANCOUVER HOMESHARE Canada HomeShare “The goal of HomeShare is to foster intergenerational relationships , support aging in place for older adults while simultaneously addressing the affordable rental crisis faced by students…a facilitated model of shared housing to Metro Vancouver… for older adults who would like to share their home with a student for the coming school year …up to seven hours per week of assistance around the home and/or companionship… Canada HomeShare Social Workers create matches that meet both the needs of the home provider and student using a framework designed and developed by the National Initiative for the Care of the Elderly.” Paused in 2022, but restarting in 2023. Sign up here for notification ENABLING CONNECTIONS - A TABLET LENDING LIBRARY South Granville Seniors Centre & Partners “The four elements of the Enabling Connections program are: a tablet lending library , digital literacy mentoring , a virtual senior’s centre , and knowledge sharing with other organizations . The Enabling Connections project is focused on creating connections between individuals and creating a sense of community and mutual support, peer to peer.” Information here CLOSING THE GAPS: EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS, RESPONSE AND RECOVERY FOR OLDER ADULTS Canadian Red Cross; National Institute on Ageing “This is a recent report…that includes 29 Evidence-Informed Expert Recommendations to Improve Emergency Preparedness, Response and Recovery for Older Adults Across Canada…directed at Community-Based Services and Programs…Webinar features Dr. Samir Sinha, lead author of the report.” Report here FROME'S COMPASSION PROJECT UK Men’s Shed & Health Connections Mendip-UK “Compassionate communities help to reduce isolation and loneliness and bring a sense of belonging. Social relationships are the most effective intervention for improving health and longevity. Frome’s care combines a compassionate programme of community development with routine medical care…three key elements : making the most of the supportive networks of family, friends and neighbours…building networks of support for the routine matters of life…linking to community activity , such as choir, walking groups, men’s sheds, talking cafes and other interest groups where people can make friendships and share life’s events.” This event has passed. Health Connections Mendip website here Frome Shed website here COMMUNITY COUNSELLING SERVICES IN BC Ministry of Mental Health and Addictions, Community Action Initiative “An extension of government funding to 49 local community counselling agencies provides access to low- and no-cost counselling services. Community counselling provides flexibility for counsellors to meet clients through outreach, in-person counselling or through virtual supports. In some community agencies, counsellors connect people to other services and supports.” Counselling services offered within BC’s Health Authorities here Aging well education material Back to Top AGING WELL EDUCATION - ONGOING These are virtual educational resources for the seniors'-serving sector that can be joined or viewed on an ongoing basis. COVID-19 AND THE DIGITAL DIVIDE (Centre for Ageing Better, UK) Key findings from research involving i) > 250 seniors’-serving organizations about their service delivery efforts and ii) 50-70 year olds with incomes less than $42k about their use of the Internet and digital devices. Identifies and shares good practices for supporting digital inclusion and skill development during the pandemic and beyond. Describes how supports improved seniors’ knowledge and understanding of digital skills. July 2021 report here COMMUNITY DEMENTIA CARE AND SUPPORT (Healthcare Excellence Canada) Webinar series: "Innovations that are supporting people living with dementia and care partners, closer to home…what’s working and what isn’t…help innovators figure out how they can spread and scale their innovation so more people living with dementia, and care partners can benefit.” Past webinars and newsletter registration for upcoming related learning opportunities here AGING YOUR WAY: CREATING AN AGE-INCLUSIVE CANADA (CanAge; Toronto Public Library) A series of upcoming free webinars plus recordings & key learnings from other 2021 webinars. Information here GLUU TECHNOLOGY TUESDAYS (GLUU Society; Government of Canada) The Canadian nonprofit on a mission to help older adults use technology to stay happy, healthy & connected. We make digital skills stick…offer free digital skills training for all Canadian seniors about Apple and Android mobile devices. Information here Register for Technology Tuesdays here (Recordings available if registered) DIALOGUE ON AGING SERIES WEBINARS (Providence Health Care) Recordings of 2020-2021series of monthly presentations about self-care for positive mental health, mindfulness, brain health, sleep health, physical activity, technologies, socialization, creativity & living well with dementia, COVID-19 and dementia strategies and support, etc. Typically 2-hour presentation including discussion. Recordings here CAREGIVERS OUT LOUD: A PODCAST (Family Caregivers of BC) “A series of conversations with caregivers that highlight the joys, trials, and self-discoveries that come along with this rewarding and taxing position... have support and balance through the stories of inspiring caregivers.” Information here BRAIN WELLNESS PROGRAMS (UBC Brain Wellness Centre) Wide range of topics and their effects on brain health: music, nutrition, sleep, mood, improv theatre, practical tips, mindfulness, role as care partner etc. Information here Subscribe to newsletter here WHAT DOES IT TAKE TO AGE IN PLACE? (Hon. Joyce Murray, MP Quadra Brunch Connections) Guest speaker Ms. Isobel Mackenzie, BC’s Seniors’ Advocate, discusses “how to plan successfully to age in place, and how to help others – spouse, parent, family member, or friend – do the same… communities, business, the charitable sector, and various levels of government must collaborate to ensure today’s Canadians can age-in-place safely, as long as they wish...challenges and solutions. ” Recording here NO PLACE LIKE HOME(SHARE): INSIGHTS FROM AN INTERGENERATIONAL HOMESHARING PROGRAM IN TORONTO “Toronto HomeShare Pilot Project that matched 11 over-housed older adults 55+ (overhoused with respect to physical home space, social needs or supports with activities of daily living), with post-secondary student homeseekers who were experiencing difficulty securing safe and affordable housing… ‘facilitated’ by social workers and housing experts…now fully funded as a program by the City of Toronto…expanded to the City of Barrie.” Webinar recording here RAINBOW STEPS TO LGBT2SQ SENIORS “This webinar discusses aging in the LGBT2SQ communities and how service providers can deliver more inclusive and supportive programming…. practical ways to provide sensitive, competent and inclusive community programming and services for LGBT2SQ individuals.” Webinar recording here ADDRESSING STIGMA: AGING AND OLDER ADULTS (UWLM CORE Healthy Aging) 55min. An overview of stigma as outlined in the Public Health Agency of Canada's (2019 report) 'Stigma Action Framework for Building an Inclusive Health System' Recording here 2019 Summary video (Voices for Inclusion 4min) here HEALING IN PANDEMIC TIMES (Northern Health, Indigenous Health, NCCIH) An animated video reviews key terms such as stigmatization, stereotypes, prejudice, and discrimination in an easily understandable way (4:32 min). Related publications include Thinking About Cultural Safety; Practical tips: Engaging People During COVID-19 ; Cultural Safety: Respect & Dignity in Relationships; Cultural Safety: Poster Series. Video and information available here PROMISING APPROACHES REVISITED: EFFECTIVE ACTION ON LONELINESS IN LATER LIFE In the United Kingdom,“the Campaign to End Loneliness believes that nobody who wants company should be without it…We do this by creating spaces for collaboration and support to the sector and by…building evidence, convening and supporting the loneliness community , making the case for action, public campaigning, campaigning locally.” Information here FUNDRAISING TRENDS OF 2021 THAT MAY INFLUENCE YOUR STRATEGY AND PREPARE YOUR ORGANIZATION FOR A SUCCESSFUL YEAR (Charity Village) Webinar (Feb 2, 2021) and information here SENIORS' TRANSPORTATION WEBINAR (UWLM CORE Healthy Aging) Learn more about the new Provincial Working Group on Seniors Transportation, the seniors-centred approach it will bring to its work, and its plans for improving seniors’ mobility in BC over the next two years. (January 27, 2021 presentation) Recording and slides available here Back to Top ALZHEIMER'S ASSOCIATION INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE July 2021 Features reports from Medscape Medical News about advances in understanding dementia: risk factors, tests, diagnosis, treatments, epidemiology, practice guidelines and more. Conference news here ENGAGING PEOPLE LIVING WITH DEMENTIA IN DECISION-MAKING Canadian Centre for Elder Law “We are seeking participants for a series of virtual consultation events on strategies for including people living with dementia in decision making. The events will run from July 2021 to March 2022. We would like to hear from people living with dementia and other disabilities. We are also recruiting family members and friends for virtual consultation events on the perspectives of caregivers.” Project Status: Work in Progress Information here Poster - people living with dementia here Poster - caregivers here VIRTUAL SERVICES FOR PEOPLE LIVING WITH DEMENTIA Adult Cognitive Wellness Centre Langley, BC Virtual services for people living with dementia (Adult Cognitive Wellness Centre, Langley, BC) Regular midday and afternoon sessions offered monthly by qualified facilitators: Caregiver Support, Yoga, Easy Practice of Qigong Movement, Experience-Centered Care with H.E.A.R.T. Methodology™, Mindfulness Base Stress Reduction. Pre-registration & information here DEMENTIA EDUCATION & OPPORTUNITIES Dementia Education & Opportunities BEACON *SHINING LIGHT ON DEMENTIA Pacific Spirit United Church, Vancouver, BC In 2021, members of the congregation participated in a four-part series of online conversations “to further our sense of inclusion and love by opening meaningful conversations about what it means to be a dementia-friendly community…in our care for one another, in our building’s accessibility, and in our programming.” Information here Four-part video series here DEMENTIA & SPIRITUALITY: PODCAST SERIES Dementia Dialogue, Lakehead University, Thunder Bay, ON "This new four-part series explores the many dimensions of spirituality along the dementia journey, as well as how our cultural background influences and nurtures spiritual perspectives.Our hosts have held interviews with a range of guests including people living with dementia, academics and researchers, spiritual care providers and care partners.” Listen here HEALTH CARE DECISION-MAKING LEGAL RIGHTS OF PEOPLE LIVING WITH DEMENTIA Canadian Centre for Elder Law, Alzheimer Society of BC “A set of resources on the decision-making rights of people living with dementia: three short animated videos, and a booklet. The booklet is available in English, French, Traditional Chinese and Punjabi.” Information here HEALTH CARE DECISION-MAKING LEGAL RIGHTS OF PEOPLE LIVING WITH DEMENTIA Canadian Centre for Elder Law, Alzheimer Society of BC “A set of resources on the decision-making rights of people living with dementia: three short animated videos, and a booklet. The booklet is available in English, French, Traditional Chinese and Punjabi.” Information here
- DV Understanding PLWD | Westside Seniors Hub
In addition to many books written from different perspectives at your public library, here is online information. DEMENTIA VENTURES UNDERSTANDING & LIVING WITH DEMENTIA In addition to many books written from different perspectives at your public library , here is online information Education & Links to Support Groups Research Engaging Activity Programs Media EDUCATION & LINKS TO SUPPORT GROUPS DEMENTIA ALLIANCE INTERNATIONAL The ‘global voice’ for dementia with many resources and services for people living with dementia and care partners “Online support groups and other activities for our members, free of charge in number of different time zones” Diverse resources for people experiencing dementia, care partners, professionals Learn more here Education & Links ALZHEIMER SOCIETY OF CANADA IN BRITISH COLUMBIA Full range of resources and services for people living with Alzheimer Disease or related dementias, their care partners and families, some available in several languages. Learn More DEMENTIA CONNECTIONS Dementia Connections Canada Ltd. “Dementia Connections is the only life-style magazine in Canada focused on supporting people living with dementia, care partners and families to live a good life, despite dementia… gain a deeper understanding of the lived experience of dementia.” Learn More SIMON FRASER UNIVERSITY "STAR" INSTITUTE STAR Science & Technology for Aging Research “In response to COVID-19 and in a time where self isolation is imperative STAR has curated a comprehensive set of resources and solutions …constantly updated.” Keeping Healthy, Community Support, Cognitive Health & Dementia, Technology Basics, Living Independently, Mobility & Transportation, etc. Learn More GAIA COMMUNITY CARE & WELLNESS SOCIETY BC-based “charitable organization aims to support the health and wellness of Chinese and other older adults and their families ….provides seniors and those caring for them with the knowledge, skills, and nurturing support they need to ease the stresses of aging.” Workshops, Webinars, Wellness Services (Qigong, Chair Yoga & Brain Games), Caregiver Wellspring etc. Learn More HEALTH CARE DECISION-MAKING: LEGAL RIGHTS OF PEOPLE LIVING WITH DEMENTIA Canadian Centre for Elder Law, Alzheimer Society of BC A set of resources on the decision-making rights of people living with dementia: three short animated videos, and a booklet. The booklet is available in English, French, Traditional Chinese and Punjabi.” Learn More CULTURAL AWARENESS IN DEMENTIA CARE: LIVED EXPERIENCES UWLM CORE Healthy Aging 105 min. Four panelists: Nadine Jans, clinical counselor . Ways to significantly improve behaviours, moods, and relationships for connection and meaning in the lives of people living with dementia and their care partners. Dr. Sharon Koehn, social gerontologist . Experiences of dementia and access to services by older immigrants focusing on Korean and Punjabi communities. Alice Lung, retired LPN . Care partner for husband with Early Onset Dementia. Cultural understanding about aging and dementia among Chinese immigrants.. Elder Kat Norris, First Nations cultural educator . Awareness of proper diagnosis and care of indigenous persons living with dementia aligned with cultural understandings and traditions. Recording here Return to Top Engaging activity programs ENGAGING ACTIVITY PROGRAMS SMILE BRAIN PROGRAM - WEST COAST HEALTHY MEMORY SOCIETY “Smile Brain Program is 12 weeks, 90 minute program based for seniors to continue and increase their memory, self-confidence, and social connection with others….similar to a program in Japan.” Learn More ZINNIA TV “Improving quality of life for people living with dementia and their care partners… Zinnia’s content channels feature familiar faces, subjects, and sounds to help people feel engaged and connected... beautiful, immersive videos on familiar and well-loved topics are crafted to be meaningful.” Nature, Places, Nostalgia, Interests, Conversation Starters, Care Messages, Activities. Start with a free trial, then can subscribe if desired. Learn More IN THERE OUT HERE: ART MAKING SPACE TO LIVE WELL WITH DEMENTIA UBC multidisciplinary & colleagues abroad "Showcases collaborative art made by a warm, inter-connected and supported community. Comprising people living with dementia and their care partners, academic researchers, and art workshop facilitators alike, this community has joined together, engaging with multi-media art projects, and cultivating insightful discussions." Artwork, film, gallery, survey, & much more. Learn More CAFÉ CONNECT: VIRTUAL MEMORY CAFÉ DIRECTORY " Find information about Virtual Memory Cafes that you can access with a computer or by phone...from the comfort and safety of your own home." Scroll down to check calendar of offerings - most are in English, some in Spanish, and a few in French and Portuguese. Learn More Return to Top Research RESEARCH RESEARCH-BASED EDUCATION & SUPPORT NATIONAL COLLABORATING CENTRE FOR INDIGENOUS HEALTH “Cultural safety and Indigenous-specific anti-racism tools and resources…to support First Nations, Inuit, and Métis public health renewal and health equity through … evidence-based resources, multi-media products, and knowledge translation services…hosted by the University of Northern BC.” Learn more INDIGENOUS COGNITION & AGING AWARENESS RESEARCH EXCHANGE (I-CAARE) “Goal is to enhance knowledge of how Indigenous peoples understand and experience dementia and the impact of dementia on Indigenous peoples and communities.” Culturally Safe Care and Factsheets , Cultural Understandings , Practice Tools , Technology for Aging , International Strategies for Diagnosis Learn More P.I.E.C.E.S. ™ LEARNING & DEVELOPMENT MODEL “P.I.E.C.E.S.™ is a holistic, person and care partner-directed model which enhances capacity at the individual, Team, organization and system levels to support the care of the older individual.” P.I.E.C.E.S.™ Cornerstones + P.I.E.C.E.S.™ Enablers = Enhanced Person & Care Partner Engagement AND Enhanced Organizational & System Capacity Learn More WHAT TYPE OF TREATMENTS REDUCE DEPRESSION SYMPTOMS IN PEOPLE WITH DEMENTIA? A SYSTEMIC REVIEW McMaster Optimal Aging Portal, BMJ 2021 “In people with dementia and symptoms of depression, some nondrug interventions reduce depression symptoms more than usual care . Nondrug interventions were as good as, or better than, drugs…brief descriptions of nondrug interventions.” Learn More Return to Top Media MEDIA ONLINE WEBINARS, TED TALKS, YOUTUBE VIDEOS DEMENTIA DIALOGUE PODCASTS AND RESOURCES Centre for Education and Research on Aging and Health (CERAH), Lakehead University “Listeners who have dementia, care partners, and others gain insight and strengthen their adaptive skills help the broader community understand what it means to live with dementia and how they can support people.” Also special series for spirituality, arts, women, early onset dementia and new podcasts being added. French & English. Website here HEALTHY AGING CORE: COLLABORATIVE ONLINE RESOURCES & EDUCATION Free signup for CORE access, then search for videos, webinars, documents with search term 'dementia.' Many recordings of past webinars and links to upcoming ones. Learn More CAREBLAZERS A geropsychologist, Dr. Natali Edmonds, invites you to watch free videos weekly and offers a subscription to a collection of Mini-booster videos designed to reduce caregiver stress. “My goal was to reach as many Careblazers as possible and let them know they aren’t alone and there is families get trustworthy and helpful information about common dementia struggles.” Free Caregiver Survival Guide and free YouTube videos on a wide range of topics. Learn More TED TALKS Some of the latest science about how the brain works and a search for the word 'dementia' brings up a wide variety of related issues. Learn More Back to Resources - Dementia Ventures
- Past Grant Opportunities | Westside Seniors Hub
Grant Opportunities - Top of page PAST GRANT OPPORTUNITIES MEN'S SHEDS START-UP GRANTS United Way & Men’s Sheds of BC “Men’s Sheds improves men's health and wellbeing by: Creating spaces where men help men while working shoulder-to-shoulder Increasing men’s social connections, and sense of well-being and inclusion Increasing men's participation and engagement in their communities Start-up Grants are available to groups of two or more men or to community organizations interested in starting a Men’s Shed in their B.C. community and who have contacted MSABC to learn about effective approaches to developing and sustaining a Men’s Shed. If an organization is starting a Men's Shed but does not require a Start-up Grant, they can apply for the larger Project Grant (of up to $10,000) once available.” Call for proposal, application and information here Call opened July 2021 and is still open in 2023. PARTICIPATORY ACTION RESEARCH (PAR) GRANTS Vancouver Foundation Grants support research that is co-led by community members and researchers to learn more about the root causes of pressing issues impacting the health of communities PAR Convene grants for one year starting in May 2023 are for developing a PAR project plan. PAR Investigation grants for up to three years starting in June are for investigating the root cause(s) of a pressing issue impacting the health of communities. No matching funds are required for 2023 grants. Accepting applications up until February 13, 2023 More information here COMMUNITY SERVICES RECOVERY FUND Canadian Red Cross, Community Foundations of Canada & United Way Centraide $400 million investment from the Government of Canada to support charities and non-profits as they focus on how to adapt their organizations for pandemic recovery. There are three funding streams , each with a different focus. Three funders are accepting and administering applications for a single stream, so there’s a decision tree here to find out where your organization and project fit into a funding stream. Application deadline for all three streams: February 21, 2023 5:00pm PST In BC, United Way BC is administering the project focus area: Investing in Program and Service Innovation and Redesign . Information here Webinar here In BC, Vancouver Foundation is administering the project focus area: Investing in Systems and Processes Information here Canadian Red Cross is administering the project focus area: Investing in People Apply here CATALYST FUNDING PROGRAM IN HEALTHY AGING AGE-WELL and Canadian Frailty Network “One-year research projects with a focus on technology-enabled solutions or novel technologies that support healthy aging…may consider complementary social and healthcare innovations (e.g., new community programs, new service-delivery models, policy recommendations, and prevention strategies) related to the technology-enabled solution.” Projects for April 2023-March 2024 Applications accepted until February 24, 2023 Information here 2023 NEIGHBOURHOOD SMALL GRANTS Vancouver Foundation and Partner organizations These grants help residents of any age, experience or background take part in building community. There are three funding streams: Neighbourhood Small Grants (NSG) , Youth NSG , and Greenest City Grants (GCG). Each grant offers up to $500 to bring projects to life and make communities safer, stronger and more welcoming. Partner organizations in communities throughout the province offer opportunities to apply for grants. In Metro Vancouver, find your community here . Timing for accepting applications may differ among communities. West Side Vancouver applications open March 7, 2023 and will be accepted and reviewed by a volunteer Neighbourhood Grants Committee on a rolling basis. SENIORS CAN! (AINÉS DEBOUT!) HelpAge Canada Three types of grants, each up to $10,000, Well-Being, Innovative Programming, Emergency Relief “designed to help low-income seniors across Canada avoid isolation and loneliness and to engage more fully with their communities. Applications accepted any time but closing date for review: March 31st Information & application here EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS & RESPONSE United Way of BC Join a CORE Healthy Aging group and apply for up to $25,000 to support “creating protocols for identifying, locating, and supporting vulnerable seniors before, during, and after impending crises in ways that respect and address privacy concerns… sharing best practices, training and mentoring to facilitate relationship building between the CBSS sector, other emergency response organizations, and local government emergency preparedness staff…The United Way will support projects that: demonstrate collaboration with community partners, respond to an immediate need related to a climate emergency, increase volunteer capacity.” If you don’t already have a free BC Healthy Aging CORE (Collaborative Online Resources & Education) account , first register her e . Then click on Groups > Emergency Preparedness & Response > JOIN button for access to the Application Guide and Call for Proposals. Date: Rolling applications accepted starting July 4, 2022 HAMBER FOUNDATION Grants for projects arising and undertaken in the Province of British Columbia by registered charities for cultural, education and charitable purposes, in priority areas of athletics, arts & culture, health &welfare (including older adults). Emphasizing at-risk individuals, especially under-represented and marginalized populations and promoting diversity, equity and inclusion Dates: Applications reviewed Marc h 15th and September 15th. Information and application here COMMUNITIES FUND McConnell Foundation Our strategies: “Overcoming economic and social inequality requires collaboration, collective action and policy work, and this is where we will focus our support…address the underlying causes of systemic inequality, supporting the leadership of equity-deserving groups who face systemic barriers to economic and social justice.” Accepting applications on rolling basis November 2022 webinar recording and information here
- Dementia Ventures | Westside Seniors Hub
BUILDING CAPACITY Dementia Ventures is building community capacity to include people living with dementia and their care partners in meaningful activities! When communities provide diverse opportunities for these people to engage, they can remain vibrant contributors to community life well beyond a dementia diagnosis. Living with dementia shall include pursuing one’s passions! Dementia Ventures invites you to get involved in creating a more inclusive community and increasing social citizenship for people living with dementia. Join us in adapting current programs or creating new ones that are inclusive and enable people living with dementia to socialize according to their interests. Westside Seniors Hub Partner Organizations have a variety of opportunities underway to be more inclusive. Join any of our current projects described here . There are opportunities for anyone to help make communities more dementia-friendly. Get Involved Current Hub Partners Projects SoundBytes Series Fireweed Club News & Events Resources WE NEED DIVERSE PARTNERS TO HELP BUILD CAPACITY FOR GREATER INCLUSION! Everyone's skills and experiences can make a difference. Perhaps you are experiencing cognitive difficulties a care partner a program leader a professional working with seniors a motivated volunteer YOU can assist Hub Partner Organizations develop appealing and sustainable arts , social , fitness and volunteer activities. Hub Partners want people living with dementia and their care partners to express their needs and desires. Partners also need the assistance of program leaders, motivated volunteers, and professionals working with seniors. THE BIGGER PICTURE... COLLECTIVE ACTION BY ELDERS AND THEIR CARE PARTNERS From 2019-2023, the Westside Seniors Hub is focusing on Dementia Ventures in collaboration with the University of British Columbia and Lakehead University in Thunder Bay, Ontario. Find out more about the UBC and Lakehead University research team members here . The Public Health Agency of Canada is funding the umbrella project called Building Capacity for Meaningful Participation by People Living With Dementia . It is one of the first community-based research projects funded under a 2019 Agency comprehensive plan: A Dementia Strategy for Canada .
- Inclusive Community | Westside Seniors Hub
The Hub is building a more responsive and resilient community for seniors living on the Westside of Vancouver, BC Canada through the power of collective action. CARE PARTNERS YOU can help reveal challenges that need to be addressed create activities that fit with your needs as well as those you care for offer ideas for innovative initiatives participate in community conversations To partners, relatives, friends or professionals regularly involved in providing care for a person living with dementia: Your voice is needed in planning and implementing activities that are feasible and engaging. Hub Partners would like to hear from you! Visit the Current Hub Partner Projects page to see which project is most attractive and contact the Partner sponsoring it
- Person Living with Dementia | Westside Seniors Hub
You are invited to help. Visit the Current Hub Partner Projects page to see which project is most attractive and contact the Partner sponsoring it, and consult the Opportunities page where Hub Partner Organizations advertise their most immediate needs. PERSON LIVING WITH DEMENTIA You are invited to help: suggest & plan appealing activity options shape what ongoing social citizenship looks like build new attitudes within your community sustain your quality of life Hub Partners need to hear from you! Please: visit the Current Hub Partner Projects page to see which project is most attractive and contact the Partner sponsoring it.
- DV Resources Data | Westside Seniors Hub
Check out the reports and Data. Enter site. Top of Reports & Data DEMENTIA VENTURES REPORTS AND DATA ALZHEIMER ASSOCIATION USA AA provides progress in promising research and treatments for all types of dementia. There are links to clinical studies underway and recruiting participants whether experiencing memory loss or supporting those who are. Research progress here BUILDING CAPACITY FOR MEANINGFUL PARTICIPATION BY PEOPLE LIVING WITH DEMENTIA (UBC-Lakehead Universities, WSH, NWDWG 2020) “Project aims to enhance and promote opportunities for people living with dementia, including dedicated and inclusive physical and social activities that account for the interests and needs of people living with dementia…fosters connections in community and the growth of initiatives based on community capacity and interest.” Information here CANADIAN CHARTER OF RIGHTS FOR PEOPLE LIVING WITH DEMENTIA (Alzheimer Society of Canada 2019) “The Charter defines seven explicit rights to empower you to self-advocate as a person living with dementia in Canada…ensures that the people and organizations that support you will know and protect your rights.” Right #4: “To access support so that I can live as independently as possible and be as engaged as possible in my community.” Information here THE HUMAN RIGHTS OF PEOPLE LIVING WITH DEMENTIA: FROM RHETORIC TO REALTY (Dementia Alliance International 2016) “A basic introduction to Human-Rights Based Approaches (HBRAs) – a UN approved system, which has been applied across all sectors… focuses on ways in which the Convention for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) can be used to promote the well-being and quality of life of people living with dementia.” Information here A DEMENTIA STRATEGY FOR CANADA: TOGETHER WE ASPIRE (Public Health Agency of Canada 2019) “It is possible to live well and achieve quality of life at all stages of dementia through compassionate diagnosis, connection to support systems, increased awareness of dementia among all Canadians and reduced financial hardship for those living with dementia and their caregivers.” Information here Return to top DEVELOPING CULTURALLY GROUNDED DEMENTIA EDUCATION MATERIALS FOR INDIGENOUS COMMUNITY-BASED CARE (Jacklin & Blind 2018) "ICARE investigators and research staff worked closely with our community advisory members and Tribal Leadership to develop" a suite of tools: Dementia in Indigenous Populations ; Underlying Frameworks: Cultural Safety & Two-Eyed Seeing ; Indigenous Understandings of Memory Loss & Aging ; Fact Sheets ; Dementia Care for Indigenous People and their Families. Information here ADDRESSING STIGMA: TOWARDS A MORE INCLUSIVE HEALTH SYSTEM (Chief Public Health Officer of Canada, 2019) “Stigma is associated with poorer physical and mental health outcomes …and cannot be understood or treated separately from stigma related to other characteristics such as race, gender, sexual orientation, age, and income…We can stop using dehumanizing language, examine our own assumptions, and implement policies and education programs, while also measuring our progress towards stigma elimination.” Information here RISK REDUCTION OF COGNITIVE DECLINE AND DEMENTIA (WHO 2021) “Guidelines for risk reduction…provide evidence-based recommendations on lifestyle behaviours and interventions to delay or prevent cognitive decline and dementia.” Information here WORLD ALZHEIMER REPORT 2019: ATTITUDES TO DEMENTIA (Alzheimer’s Disease International, ADI) ADI’s 2019 global survey of attitudes to dementia and recommendations “to take action, to improve awareness, to help dispel lingering myths around dementia and ultimately aim to reduce or even eradicate stigma.” Information here VIRTUAL CARE FOR PATIENTS WITH ALZHEIMER DISEASE AND RELATED DEMENTIAS DURING THE COVID-19 ERA AND BEYOND (Canadian Medical Association Journal, March 15, 2021) Virtual visits have unique challenges but can potentially improve access to health care for those experiencing dementia. Evidence demonstrates that videoteleconferencing can be useful in assessment, planning, and management of a diagnosis. There is much research underway to overcome barriers and adapt modalities for direct-to-home care. Information here Back to Resources - Dementia Ventures
- Current Hub Partner Projects | Westside Seniors Hub
Dementia Ventures is a commitment by the Westside Seniors Hub Partner Organizations to offer diverse activities for people living with dementia and their care partners designed to reduce stigma and sustain quality of life. Check out the projects. HUB PARTNERS' PROJECTS Dementia Ventures i s a commitment by the Westside Seniors Hub Partner Organizations to offer diverse activities for people living with dementia and their care partners. These activities are designed to: reduce stigma sustain quality of life The projects listed below are partially funded by the Public Health Agency of Canada via the Building Capacity for Meaningful Participation by People Living with Dementia umbrella project. Current Hub Partner project planning began in early 2020 and is evolving all the time! COMMUNITY CONVERSATIONS 2019-2023 Hub Partners want to foster more inclusive communities . They engage a wide range of community members in plans and conversations to build and change programs so they are more inclusive of people living with dementia. Partners worked on projects to achieve those objectives, and for some, the projects are ongoing. Translink Awareness-Building Placards Thanks to an Implementation Fund grant from the Building Capacity for Meaningful Participation by People Living with Dementia project, the Hub’s Council placed 210 awareness-building placards inside TransLink buses in Metro Vancouver during the summer of 2022. The three different designs developed by Building Capacity project team members Samantha Pineda Sierra and Heather Neale Furneaux, quote Action Committee members with lived experience from a special initiative known as The Flipping Stigma Project . These members’ comments reflect on what it feels like to be discriminated against because of their dementia. The campaign aimed to increase awareness and encourage open and respectful conversations about living with dementia. Even if you don’t travel on public buses, you will want to take a look HERE at these engaging placards. Occasionally you will still see a placard on a Translink bus! Kitsilano Community Centre Association offers a variety of physical, social, and multicultural programming sponsored two Memory Cafés in October aimed at gathering programming needs and ideas from people experiencing dementia and care partners An insightful report summarized responses and diverse strategies for next steps in programming. steps forward West Point Grey United Church TLC (The Lunch Club) is a program for seniors as well as people with living with dementia in the west side of Vancouver. In 2022-2023, vveryone participated in a bilingual (English & Cantonese) f our-part series about dementia and in group discussions. Pacific Spirit United Church Congregation members at Pacific Spirit United Church created an insightful four-part series looking at dementia from a community perspective. It's called Beacon *shining light on Dementia" that is available online here . DISCOVERING COMMUNITY ASSETS 2019-2023 These projects focus on identifying community members and services that can help build capacity to offer meaningful opportunities and adapt existing services to be more inclusive. The Building Capacity Project - Dementia Ventures Offers engaging programs in order to help organizations make existing offerings more inclusive. Informs future policies and priorities in community and health settings for dementia inclusive communities. Westside Seniors Hub - Transportation Initiative Explored and facilitate van-sharing and public transit challenges and solutions for seniors living with dementia. Trnaslink placards featuring quotes from people living with dementia intended to raise awareness about stigma Westside Seniors Hub Developed a website to showcase Partners' projects and opportunities to get involved Invited diverse community members to become involved Collaborated with UBC Centre for Community Engaged Learning students involved as Community Action Mobilizers to conduct asset-mapping of Vancouver's westside neighbourhoods and promote community resilience planning for shocks & stressors ONGOING PROGRAMS 2020-2025 Hub Partners adapted existing programs to be more inclusive and planning new programs.They appreciated having community members participate at every stage - planning, implementing and sustaining - to build community capacity. A.S.K. Friendship Centre develops meaningful activities & designs inclusive spaces purchases art supplies to diversify programs Dunbar Residents Association identified assets & gaps in services for seniors adapted Salmonberry Days for inclusive programming organized Fireweed Club for outdoor activities in Balaclava Park, including development of a pollinator garden that invites participation throughout the gardening season. Kitsilano Neighbourhood House promotes dementia awareness with staff and required volunteer and staff trainings for anyone working with older adults developed a Dementia Buddies for one-on-one participation in meaningful activities South Granville Seniors Centre Offers two Happy Memories Cafés English -language Café brochure here Spanish -language Café brochure here
- Socios del Hub | Westside Seniors Hub
Top of Hub Partners page HUB PARTNERS Become a partner Contact Us Partner Organizations have an interest in collaborating with others to support seniors in their community. They are non-profit organizations, faith-based organizations, and government agencies that serve seniors on Vancouver’s Westside. The catchment area is bounded by English Bay (north), Ontario Street (east), Fraser River (south), and includes the University Endowment Lands (west). Learn more about the values that Partner Organizations share here . A.S.K FRIENDSHIP CENTRE, Adult day program 7405 Paulson Street Vancouver V6P 6M7 604-263-7333 BROCK HOUSE SOCIETY 3875 Point Grey Road, Vancouver, V6R 1B3 604-228-1461 communications@brockhousesociety .com DUNBAR COMMUNITY CENTRE & ASSOCIATION 4747 Dunbar Street, Vancouver, V6S 2H2 604-222-6060 Press '1'\ DUNBAR RESidENTS ASSOCIATION 45057 - 4326 Dunbar Street, Vancouver, V6S 2M8 604-222-9824 FAMILY CAREGIVERS OF BC 6 - 3318 Oak Street, Victoria, V6X 1R1 1-877-520-3267 HOME SUPPORT PROJECT (INTERIM) JEWISH FAMILY SERVICES 320 - 2285 Clark Drive, Vancouver, V5N 3G9 604-257-5151 KERRISDALE SENIORS CENTRE 5851 West Blvd., Vancouver, V6M 3W9 604-257-8100 ext. 1 KITSILANO COMMUNITY CENTRE & Association 2690 Larch St., Vancouver, V6K 4K9 604-257-6976 ext 1 KITSILANO NEIGHBOURHOOD HOUSE 2305 West 7th Ave., Vancouver, V6K 1Y4 604-736-3588 Pacific spirit united church 2195 W. 45th Avenue, Vancouver BC, V6M 2J2 SOUTH GRANVILLE SENIORS CENTRE 1420 West 12th Ave., Vancouver, V6H 1M8 604-732-0812 ST. FAITH'S ANGLICAN CHURCH 7284 Cypress Street, Vancouver, V6P 5M3 604-266-8011 ext. 1 / ST. STEPHEN'S UNITED CHURCH 7025 Granville St, Vancouver, BC V6P 4X6 604-266-4944 Karen Harder: VANCOUVER PUBLIC LIBRARY DUNBAR BRANCH 4515 Dunbar St., Vancouver, V6S 2G7 604-665-3968 VANCOUVER PUBLIC LIBRARY KERRISDALE BRANCH 2112 West 42nd Ave, Vancouver, V6M 2B6 604-665-3974 VANCOUVER PUBLIC LIBRARY KITSILANO BRANCH 2425 MacDonald Street, Vancouver, V6K 3Y9 604-665-3976 VANCOUVER PUBLIC LIBRARY West Point GREY BRANCH 4480 West 10th Ave., Vancouver, V6R 2H9 604-665-3982 West Point GREY COMMUNITY CENTRE & Association 4397 West 2nd Ave., Vancouver, V6R 1K4 604-257-8140 WEST POINT GREY UNITED CHURCH 4595 8th Ave. W, Vancouver BC, V6R 2A4 604-224-4388 office
- Eventos | Westside Seniors Hub
Events - Return to top SOUND BYTES SERIES Return to top Hub Community Action That Builds Capacity The Dementia Ventures project empowers Hub Partners to build out inclusive community programming for all and adapt to include people living with dementia. They and their care partners want to remain socially engaged in meaningful activities. A collaboration with UBC’s Dr. Alison Phinney and her Building Capacity team offers financial, strategic and logistical resources so programs can welcome and support those with dementia and their care partners. We celebrated midway in this initiative with a series of vibrant online community dialogues. The theme was: “What it means to be an accepting and inclusive community.” SoundBytes wants to share wisdom from those dialogues. Here are our first nuggets. There will be many more! PAVING THE WAY FOR OTHERS WITH DEMENTIA ... BC-based Lynn Jackson is a retired nurse and highly active advocate for people living with dementia. She's a member of several action groups and continues to blaze a trail for others to live well and feel empowered living with dementia. Watch Full Event HERE A PERSON-CENTERED APPROACH TO DEMENTIA ... In a recent Dementia Dialogue podcast interview, BC artist and advocate Granville Johnson reminds us how crucial it is that people with dementia be involved in planning and decision making for initiatives that affect their lives. "Inclusion creates understanding, facilitates empathy, and shares love." For more on the importance of including and respecting people with dementia, please visit and Watch Full Event HERE STRENGTH IN NUMBERS ... This excerpt from a new episode of Dementia Dialogue features UBC's Dr. Alison Phinney on overcoming barriers to community engagement for people living with dementia. Dr. Phinney discusses what she's learned through her extensive research, and how important it is to have a team. Joining her in discussion on the episode is Community Research Coordinator Dr. Andrea Monteiro and BC-based Lynn Jackson, a dementia advocate and retired nurse living with dementia who explains what's been most effective for her. Watch Full Event HERE THE BEAUTY OF INCLUSION ... Veteran dementia advocate and Thunder Bay resident Bill Heibein expresses his deep appreciation for the inclusive and warm nature of his local Dementia Cafe and its refreshing lack of labels. "No one asks who's who; they just welcome you in the door." Sounds pretty lovely to us! Watch Full Event HERE THE POWER IN THE WORDS WE USE ... When John's doctor made a joke out of his dementia, he was deeply hurt. It's these kinds of microaggressions that create the biggest barriers for people with dementia to live well. Words like these that silence people who really need to speak and share. Help us empower people with lived experience to know they're entitled to live their best life too. Watch Full Event HERE PERSPECTIVE IS EVERYTHING ... BC-based artist and advocate Granville Johnson spoke out about fear and the power of our perspective on Dementia Dialogue's most recent podcast episode, addressing the ways we can choose to gain some sense of control and joy back into our lives even in the face of new challenges. Watch Full Event HERE WHAT HOLDS US BACK The biggest challenge to community support for people living with dementia. In the most recent podcast episode of Dementia Dialogue, Dr. Alison Phinney discusses the stigma attached to dementia diagnoses and how that impacts community support efforts. She speaks with host Lisa Loiselle and fellow podcast guest Granville Johnson, who lives with dementia himself, about the important balance to be struck between training and education on one hand, and engaging with people with lived experience on the other. Watch Full Event HERE TURNING TOWARDS THE PERSON WITH DEMENTIA A care partners perspective on what helps. Karen Rolston’s mother Louise started getting inklings something was a little “off” back in 2011. At the time, the Rolstons were already in the process of creating a laneway house on their property for her, so they could live close together. The timing worked out well. Louise lived there for seven years beside her daughter Karen, Karen’s husband, and their daughter. Those years were, “a beautiful opportunity for us to just wrap mom with more support and care while she was able to live in her own space,”Karen said. When Karen thinks about the journey she has been on with her mom, and the reactions from people when it comes to dementia, the word that comes to mind is fear. “People find out someone has dementia, and they think, ‘Am I going to receive this diagnosis too?’ ‘Is someone I love going to get dementia?’” Rolston said. Fear seeps in and too often, people pull away. “People often don’t know what to say or do, so they turn away from those with dementia instead of turning toward them with love,”Rolston said. Rolston is extremely grateful for community supports. Her mom really enjoyed the Alzheimer Society’s Minds in Motion program, the Alzheimer’s Café and the Helena choir she joined. “These community groups are where we felt really held,” she said. “It’s such a painful journey and there is still so much we can do.” In this Soundbyte, Rolston offers her thoughts on how to really tune into a person’s needs and meet them where they are, rather than seeing their responses as resistance or defiance. Loving and showing up for someone with dementia is about cherishing the now, embracing their world, and accepting what is. Watch Full Event HERE ANDRÉ PICARD ON THE MEDIA'S ROLE IN STAMPING OUT STIGMA ... Esteemed Globe and Mail Columnist André Picard wrote Neglected No More: The Urgent Need to Improve the Lives of Canada’s Elders in the Wake of a Pandemic in 2021, a book that discusses what needs to change to shift the culture of long-term care across our country. “Picard reveals the full extent of the crisis in eldercare and offers an urgently needed prescription to fix a broken system and ensure long-term care homes are not warehouses of isolation and neglect” Penguin Random House states on their site. Care home COVID outbreaks seemed to be exploding in every region of the country at the time, drawing attention to the deplorable working conditions they had for employees, the resulting neglect residents experienced, and the total lack of support for the institutions in general. In this storyboard, Picard says media needs to highlight not just worst-case scenarios meant to shock and awe, but stories about people living quite well for a long time with dementia. Seeing more people with dementia in our day-to-day activities—including in the news— would normalize that experience as a way of reducing stigma. Lastly, he emphasized the importance of having people with dementia sit on boards and committees on which they get a real vote in the outcomes of important decisions. Watch Full Event HERE SUZUKI ELDERS On the value of art in supporting the dementia journey... Rob Dramer and Lilllian Ireland are self-identified elders who work with the Suzuki foundation mentoring and supporting other elders and younger generations in dialogue and action on environmental issues. They're also traveling performers who offer a multi-sensory show featuring songs they've written about biodiversity, interspersed with some familiar tunes to help audiences tap into earlier memories. Music elicits powerful connections, and they invite audience members to join in the fun alongside them and their collection of beautiful local animal puppets. Watch Full Event HERE POETRY On the value of art in supporting the dementia journey... Myrna Norman is an author, artist, and dementia advocate based in Maple Ridge. In 2009, when Norman was diagnosed with Frontal Temporal Dementia and given eight years to live, she went home ready to die. But after grieving this news for a couple of weeks, Norman decided to do what she’s best at: advocating for change. She became heavily involved in initiatives that let others in her situation know they weren’t alone. Thirteen years later, Norman’s passion, generosity of spirit, and charisma have touched so many lives. Her book, “Dementia Strategies, Tips and Personal Stories,” has become an indispensable voice of validation and support. Norman has participated in multi-year research studies, art-making groups and task forces including The Dementia Sisterhood, the Dementia Action Committee, Dementia Advocacy Canada, the Dementia Friendly Task Force, and now the Building Capacity Project to name just a few. She’s also collaborating with researchers and designers at Emily Carr University’s Health Design Lab to develop a series of workbooks geared at supporting researchers to engage in collaborative work with people with lived experience. And to all these roles, she brings her signature energy, compassion, and love for showing people their strength. Watch Full Event HERE BEACON *Shining Light on Dementia An Initiative to build an inclusive congregation at Pacific Spirit United Church. A dedicated group of congregation members at Pacific Spirit United Church worked together over the course of a year to create an incredible and insightful four-part series on dementia that you can access online. They had noticed church members struggling with cognitive decline and family members worried about finding extra care, so they dove in to offer support. Their commitment to fostering a dementia friendly culture at their church has since inspired many other groups to take action too. For more details go to and click on "ministries". The series is under "Beacon *shinning light on dementia." Watch Full Event HERE LET'S TALK ABOUT DEMENTIA The Flipping Stigma Toolkit An Action Group of people living with dementia came together and developed a toolkit to start a conversation about stigma and discrimination in dementia. The Flipping Stigma Toolkit is a project where a group of people diagnosed with dementia partnered with a research team to develop an online toolkit. This Action Group, funded by a research grant from the Canadian Institute of Health and Research, co-designed the toolkit to help people with dementia recognize and respond to stigma and discrimination -and to help others better understand ho to be supportive-. The Goa? Flip that fear on its ear. To learn more visit Watch Full Event HERE EMILY CARR UNIVERSITY'S HEALTH DESIGN LAB Emily Carr University's Health Design Lab employs participatory methods to lift up the perspectives of people with lived experience. Researchers and designers at Emily Carr University’s Health Design Lab use participatory design methods to catalyze, support and amplify initiatives addressing complex health challenges like dementia. “We use design methods to help engage people with dementia in initiatives that directly impact their lives,” said Lab Director Caylee Raber. The team’s current project is called Collaborate, Gather, Share—a workbook series co-designed by people with lived experience to help drive reflection around how they can be brought into research projects and how best to support those collaborations, recognizing people with dementia as experts. Their recent video, “Perspectives,” paired design students with long-term care residents. They co-designed and co-wrote mini publications featuring residents’ stories. Students developed creative games and activities to help draw out residents’ stories that they then captured in zines and mini-books, some even embroidered on quilts. Lastly, the team worked with Vancouver Coastal Health for four years on a project focused on shifting the culture of care in long-term facilities. All the Lab’s work focuses on how researchers and designers can use their skills and expertise to build upon work already being done—facilitating creative expression and self advocacy for people with dementia and getting those messages out to the world. Watch Full Event HERE REPRESENTATION MATTERS The power of seeing our experiences in the stories of others. Author, artist, and dementia advocate Myrna Norman runs a peer support group for others with dementia in her lower mainland community called the Purple Angels Memory Café. The group meets four times a month, and sometimes outdoors in summer when the weather is beautiful. Every second week, it’s the Army and Navy Club for a beer and live music. Members take turns bringing refreshments and treats and have fundraised up to $300 to put towards games and activities they can play together. The group is a wonderful way to connect with others, share similar experiences, and gain support and a powerful sense of belonging. The best part? Membership is free. “The gift [members] give to me is so much more than could ever be paid,” said Norman. One new member who joined a couple of weeks ago turned to Myrna as he was leaving the Army and Navy Club and said, “Myrna, I feel different now. The music touched something inside of me.” “I still get the shivers thinking about it,” Norman said of the comment. It’s revelations like this one that drew her to this work. For more information or to check out the Purple Angels sometime, email Myrna Norman at: Watch Full Event HERE THE POWER OF SUPPORT FROM OUR FAITH & CULTURE GROUPS Shared values and perspectives Reverend Deborah Laing has been a minister in the United Church of Canada for 37 years, the last four at Pacific Spirit United Church in Kerrisdale. She's seen how good communities gather around people in both their joys and troubles, contributing immensely to their quality of life. She also served as chaplain at a rural hospital and learned so much from nurses and program staff there about support, respect and care for people with dementia. Watch Full Event HERE RESPONDING TO DEMENTIA THROUGH A CROSS-CULTURAL LENS Shared values and perspectives One Vancouver man who has been advocating for the treatment and care of people with dementia ever since his dementia diagnosis over a decade ago, discusses how dementia is viewed through various cultural lenses. He explains how those lenses affect families' and individual's responses to diagnosis and decisions around treatment. Watch Full Event HERE TRUSTING OUR SENSE OF SELF ABOVE ALL ELSE Shared values and perspectives BC artist and dementia advocate Granville Johnson talks about the importance of trusting one's sense of self above all else when living with dementia. "The world might not know we're capable, but we can know it and live it and continue to pursue our dreams." Johnson lives in remote part of British Columbia where he's currently working on a novel. Watch Full Event HERE ON BRAVERY AND THE POWER OF SHARING OUR STORY Shared values and perspectives When Lester was first diagnosed with dementia, he and his wife and care partner Cindy found that some of their friends and family reacted with disbelief. Others weren't sure how to talk to him. Sharing the Flipping Stigma toolkit with their church and social communities gave the couple a chance to contextualize dementia for those who didn't know much about it. The toolkit allayed fears, provided reassurance, and ultimately resulted in Lester AND Cindy feeling they could open up more about his diagnosis, feel less shame, and share more of their journey with the people they cared about. The toolkit helped them feel much more deeply understood. Watch Full Event HERE HOW FOCUSING ON A PURPOSE BUILDS RESILIENCE Bill Heibein's journey with dementia. Bill Heibein continues to live on the farm he shared with his late wife Heather just outside Kakabeka Falls, Ontario. When he was diagnosed with dementia in 2000, doctors told him he'd have about five more years to live "usefully". Twenty-two years later, he has proven them wrong. In addition to caring for his horses, Bill volunteers as an advocate with the Northwest Dementia Working Group, helps run Dementia Cafes in the community, and is passionate about encouraging others with lived experience to get involved, advocate for themselves, and find purpose. Bill says it's that deep sense of purpose that's fuelled his ability to thrive with dementia for so long, and he's confident others can do the same. Watch Full Event HERE MAPPING DEMENTIA-FRIENDLY CULTURE A community works together to be more inclusive. When COVID-19 threatened to halt all their efforts in their tracks, Andrea Sara and her team found was to move online, gather virtually, solve problems, and dream big anyway. They worried for seniors who'd been hit particularly hard by increased isolation and wanted to ensure everyone in their community felt seen and supported. So, they went outside. They sought out "soothing spaces" where they could "feel safe socializing". That's how the Fireweed Club came to be. These days the DRA has its hand in so many wonderful initiatives, all which support inclusion, environmental awareness, and social engagement. Watch Full Event HERE ON THE VALUE OF INTERGENERATIONAL CONNECTION ... Dementia Educator and community advocate Helen Murphy has dedicated her career to making the North Shore and surrounding communities more dementia-friendly. She provides training for North Shore organizations, speaks to community groups, and volunteers in developing new programs and opportunities for people with dementia to live better lives in a community that is "wise, inclusive and socially integrated". Watch Full Event HERE THE NEED FOR PEOPLE WITH DEMENTIA IN ADVOCACY ROLES ... The Building Capacity Project team in Thunder Bay, Ontario partners with the Northwest Dementia Working Group on a number of fantastic community initiatives. The team is very grateful to the NWDWG members who have volunteered to help run some of their Dementia Cafes over the years, for instance, as these cafes are a great opportunity for people in the community to witness for themselves how important representation is, how much capacity there is among people with lived experience, and to be a apart of breaking down stigma. . CARE PARTNERS EMPOWERING PEOPLE WITH DEMENTIA ... Lynn Jackson is an action group member with lived experience who played a key role in developing the Flipping Stigma Toolkit, a new online resource helping educate caregivers, people with lived experience, researchers, and the public at large about how to respond to stigma around dementia. Jackson talks about how important it is for care partners to empower people with dementia to stay engaged and active. Fostering autonomy while supporting someone with dementia works to maintain their sense of personhood. Treating them like they're sick makes them feel that way. Watch Full Event HERE AMPLIFYING DIVERSE VOICES: THE VALUE OF LIVED EXPERIENCE ... Dr. Elaine Wiersma of the Centre for Education and Research on Aging and Health at Lakehead University talks about the need to amplify a wider cross section of voices when it comes to the lived experience of people with dementia. If our exposure of these experiences stays too narrow, we run the risk of silencing important wisdoms, staying uninformed as to the broad range of experiences, and keeping devastating stigmas alive. . ART AS A VEHICLE FOR CHANGE ... Art is a powerful vehicle for shifting perceptions and shaping culture. AND it's one way of letting your voice be heard when the words themselves might be too hard to say. Whether it's a poem, a collage, a painting, or a dance, the arts can be incredibly helpful and moving for people with dementia at all stages of their journey, and can help the public gain insight into their experience. .