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United Way & Men’s Sheds of BC


“Men’s Sheds improves men's health and wellbeing by:

     Creating spaces where men help men while working shoulder-to-shoulder

     Increasing men’s social connections, and sense of well-being and inclusion

     Increasing men's participation and engagement in their communities


Start-up Grants are available to groups of two or more men or to community organizations interested in starting a Men’s Shed in their B.C. community and who have contacted MSABC to learn about effective approaches to developing and sustaining a Men’s Shed. If an organization is starting a Men's Shed but does not require a Start-up Grant, they can apply for the larger Project Grant (of up to $10,000) once available.”

Call for proposal, application and information here

Call opened July 2021 and is still open in 2023.



Vancouver Foundation

Grants support research that is co-led by community members and researchers to learn more about the root causes of pressing issues impacting the health of communities

PAR Convene grants for one year starting in May 2023 are for developing a PAR project plan. 

PAR Investigation grants for up to three years starting in June are for investigating the root cause(s) of a pressing issue impacting the health of communities. No matching funds are required for 2023 grants.

Accepting applications up until February 13, 2023

More information here  


Canadian Red Cross, Community Foundations of Canada & 

United Way Centraide  

$400 million investment from the Government of Canada to support charities and non-profits as they focus on how to adapt their organizations for pandemic recovery.

There are three funding streams, each with a different focus.

Three funders are accepting and administering applications for a single stream, so there’s a decision tree here to find out where your organization and project fit into a funding stream.


Application deadline for all three streams: February 21, 2023 5:00pm PST


In BC, United Way BC is administering the project focus area: Investing in Program and Service Innovation and Redesign.

Information here   

Webinar here

In BC, Vancouver Foundation is administering the project focus area: Investing in Systems and Processes

Information here

Canadian Red Cross is administering the project focus area: Investing in People

Apply here


AGE-WELL and Canadian Frailty Network

“One-year research projects with a focus on technology-enabled solutions or novel technologies that support healthy aging…may consider complementary social and healthcare innovations (e.g., new community programs, new service-delivery models, policy recommendations, and prevention strategies) related to the technology-enabled solution.” Projects for April 2023-March 2024

Applications accepted until February 24, 2023

Information here 


Vancouver Foundation and

Partner organizations


These grants help residents of any age, experience or background take part in building community. There are three funding streams: Neighbourhood Small Grants (NSG), Youth NSG, and Greenest City Grants (GCG). Each grant offers up to $500 to bring projects to life and make communities safer, stronger and more welcoming. Partner organizations in communities throughout the province offer opportunities to apply for grants.

In Metro Vancouver, find your community here. Timing for accepting applications may differ among communities.

West Side Vancouver applications open March 7, 2023 and will be accepted and reviewed by a volunteer Neighbourhood Grants Committee on a rolling basis. 



HelpAge Canada 

Three types of grants, each up to $10,000, Well-Being, Innovative Programming, Emergency Relief “designed to help low-income seniors across Canada avoid isolation and loneliness and to engage more fully with their communities.

Applications accepted any time but closing date for review: March 31st

Information & application here


United Way of BC

Join a CORE Healthy Aging group and apply for up to $25,000 to support “creating protocols for identifying, locating, and supporting vulnerable seniors before, during, and after impending crises in ways that respect and address privacy concerns… sharing best practices, training and mentoring to facilitate relationship building between the CBSS sector, other emergency response organizations, and local government emergency preparedness staff…The United Way will support projects that: demonstrate collaboration with community partners, respond to an immediate need related to a climate emergency, increase volunteer capacity.”


If you don’t already have a free BC Healthy Aging CORE (Collaborative Online Resources & Education) account, first register here. Then click on Groups > Emergency Preparedness & Response > JOIN button for access to the Application Guide and Call for Proposals.

Date: Rolling applications accepted starting July 4, 2022


Grants for projects arising and undertaken in the Province of British Columbia by registered charities for cultural, education and charitable purposes, in priority areas of athletics, arts & culture, health &welfare (including older adults). Emphasizing at-risk individuals, especially under-represented and marginalized populations and promoting diversity, equity and inclusion


Dates: Applications reviewed March 15th and September 15th.

Information and application here

McConnell Foundation

Our strategies: “Overcoming economic and social inequality requires collaboration, collective action and policy work, and this is where we will focus our support…address the underlying causes of systemic inequality, supporting the leadership of equity-deserving groups who face systemic barriers to economic and social justice.” 


Accepting applications on rolling basis

November 2022 webinar recording and information here

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