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To build a more responsive and resilient community for seniors on Vancouver’s Westside through the power of collective action.


To identify and promote awareness of Westside seniors’ issues and priorities

To improve programs and services for seniors on the Westside through collective action by Hub Council, Hub Partner Organizations, and community organizations

To encourage seniors to become more engaged in their community


The Hub is comprised of Partner Organizations, a Hub Council, and action-oriented committees.


serve seniors on the Westside and have an interest in collaborating with others to support seniors in their community. They meet quarterly to share information about resources and assets, identify emerging issues, and collaborate on building a range of integrated services for seniors. They work with the Hub Council and serve on committees to act on identified issues and represent the Hub to the public and various constituencies. Partners include public entities, non-profits, and faith-based organizations that provide services for seniors.


is composed of several Westside volunteer seniors who have knowledge of seniors’ issues, experience working on action-oriented teams, and skills to work collaboratively with each other, Partner Organizations and community members. They meet monthly to identify priorities and direct movement towards collective action.


have representatives from the Council, Partner Organizations, and the community. They meet as needed to focus attention on particular issues or activities by sharing information, suggesting to the Council what approaches might work, and planning events.  They act on behalf of seniors to bring attention to issues and gaps in services. Their work engages businesses, government agencies, non-profit agencies, and the public in moving towards a community where seniors can have their needs met and age well.

Senior Couple



Definimos el área de influencia del Westside Seniors Hub como:

  • Al oeste de Ontario Street, hasta el final para incluir UBC y Endowment Lands

  • Al sur de Cornwall Street y False Creek

  • Al norte de Marine Drive

Tenga en cuenta que el área de influencia no incluye la península del centro ni la isla Granville.

Los socios cuya oficina se encuentra fuera de nuestra área de influencia pueden unirse a nosotros si están sirviendo activamente a las personas mayores de Westside.


The concept of a seniors hub first emerged through a 2009 research report entitled “Sustaining Seniors Programs through the Neighbourhood House Model,” which focused on opportunities for seniors at Kitsilano, Kiwassa & South Vancouver Neighbourhood Houses.

In 2010, South Vancouver Neighbourhood House received pilot funding from Vancouver Coastal Health – SmartFund, City of Vancouver, United Way, and the Vancouver Foundation to develop the South Vancouver Seniors Hub and produce an Implementation Plan and Seniors Hub Toolkit.

This led to Kitsilano Neighbourhood House receiving a 2013-2014 Vancouver Foundation grant for a Seniors for Seniors Project: Building a One-Stop Place for Westside Seniors.  One of the aspects of this project was to develop a Westside Seniors Hub.  A number of community members and seventeen senior-serving Westside organizations met at a visioning round-table in January 2014 to explore the potential benefits and nature of a Westside Hub. Several subsequent planning round-tables developed the structure of the Hub. In addition, they drew up Partner Collaborative Agreements, wrote a Hub Council Member job description, and both recruited and interviewed Hub Council applicants.

By February 2015, appointments to the Hub Council had been made and the first joint meeting of Partner Organizations and Hub Council members took place. The Hub has sought grant funding for various projects and operated with paid contractors. Now it has administrative support from Kitsilano Neighbourhood House and volunteer efforts to provide Partners with relevant information about diverse seniors' issues.

Westside Seniors Hub brochure here



El concepto de un centro para personas mayores surgió por primera vez a través de un informe de investigación de 2009 titulado “Programas de mantenimiento para personas mayores a través del modelo de casas de vecindario”, que se centró en oportunidades para personas mayores en Kitsilano, Kiwassa y South Vancouver Neighborhood Houses.

En 2010, South Vancouver Neighborhood House recibió financiación piloto de Vancouver Coastal Health - SmartFund, la ciudad de Vancouver, United Way y la Fundación de Vancouver para desarrollar el South Vancouver Seniors Hub y producir un plan de implementación y un kit de herramientas para Seniors Hub.

Esto llevó a Kitsilano Neighborhood House a recibir una subvención de la Fundación de Vancouver 2013-2014 para un Proyecto de Personas Mayores para Personas Mayores: Construcción de un lugar único para personas mayores del Westside. Uno de los aspectos de este proyecto fue desarrollar un Westside Seniors Hub. Varios miembros de la comunidad y diecisiete organizaciones de Westside que sirven a personas mayores se reunieron en una mesa redonda de visión en enero de 2014 para explorar los beneficios potenciales y la naturaleza de un Westside Hub. Varias mesas redondas de planificación posteriores desarrollaron la estructura del Eje. Además, redactaron acuerdos de colaboración con los socios, redactaron una descripción del puesto de los miembros del Hub Council y reclutaron y entrevistaron a los solicitantes del Hub Council.

En febrero de 2015, se habían hecho nombramientos para el Hub Council y se llevó a cabo la primera reunión conjunta de Organizaciones Socias y miembros del Hub Council. Desde entonces, el Hub ha buscado subvenciones para varios proyectos y ha operado con contratistas pagados, apoyo administrativo de Kitsilano Neighborhood House y esfuerzos voluntarios.


Desde sus primeros inicios, el Hub ha recibido apoyo financiero de varios patrocinadores. Estamos agradecidos por su confianza y reconocimiento de la misión y los objetivos del Hub en nombre de las personas mayores.

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